Actualmente las personas creen que son el cuerpo, los sentidos, etc.,
y ansían placeres sensuales. Se convencen de que estos placeres son
deseados por ellos, y bajo esa errónea noción buscan satisfacer estas
ansias. Tales intentos no pueden ganarles la bienaventuranza. El
placer obtenido de los objetos exteriores trae consigo la pena, y
dichos intentos de obtener placer son recompensados con desilusión,
derrota y desastre. Los tres textos fuente (Upanishads, Brahma Sutra y
Bhagavad Gita) manifiestan claramente que TÚ eres la encarnación misma
de Ananda (la bienaventuranza). Ellos ayudan a la gente a alcanzar la
más alta sabiduría.
People today believe that they are the body, the senses, etc. and
crave for objective pleasures. They convince themselves that this
pleasure is wanted by them and under this mistaken notion, they seek
to fulfill their cravings. They delude themselves that they can secure
bliss by catering to the body and the senses. Such attempts cannot
earn bliss. The pleasure obtained from external objects brings grief
along with it and such attempts to obtain pleasure is rewarded with
disillusionment, defeat and disaster. The three source texts
(Upanishads, Brahma Sutra and Bhagavad Gita) clearly call out that YOU
are the very embodiment of Ananda (bliss). They help people attain the
highest wisdom.
WebSite: http://lasabiduriadesaibabaendataha.blogspot.com/
WebSite: http://cuentameenparalelo.blogspor.com/