Las personas pueden haber efectuado una variedad de ritos y
sacrificios védicos; pueden incluso estar exponiendo los contenidos de
diversas escrituras que hayan llegado a dominar; pueden estar dotados
de prosperidad, poseyendo vastas riquezas y montañas de granos; pueden
enseñar los Vedas y sus disciplinas complementarias, con la debida
exposición de sus significados. Pero si carecen de carácter moral, no
tienen cabida donde se enseña o aprende a Brahman (la Divinidad). Esta
es la importante lección que transmiten los aforismos divinos.
People may have performed a variety of Vedic rites and sacrifices;
they might even be expounding the contents of a variety of sacred
scriptures that they have mastered; they might be endowed with
prosperity, owning vast wealth and heaps of grain; they might teach
the Vedas and their complementary disciplines with due exposition of
meanings. But without moral character, they have no place where
Brahman (Divinity) is taught or learned. This is the important lesson
conveyed by divine aphorisms.
People may have performed a variety of Vedic rites and sacrifices;
they might even be expounding the contents of a variety of sacred
scriptures that they have mastered; they might be endowed with
prosperity, owning vast wealth and heaps of grain; they might teach
the Vedas and their complementary disciplines with due exposition of
meanings. But without moral character, they have no place where
Brahman (Divinity) is taught or learned. This is the important lesson
conveyed by divine aphorisms.
they might even be expounding the contents of a variety of sacred
scriptures that they have mastered; they might be endowed with
prosperity, owning vast wealth and heaps of grain; they might teach
the Vedas and their complementary disciplines with due exposition of
meanings. But without moral character, they have no place where
Brahman (Divinity) is taught or learned. This is the important lesson
conveyed by divine aphorisms.
WebSite: http://cuentameenparalelo.blogspot.com/
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